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A Sore Throat Healing Ritual
If there is one thing that stops me in my tracks, it’s a cold or flu that also gives me a sore throat. For some reason, I can battle through other symptoms, and find a way to fight on, but a sore throat is absolutely debilitating to me. I think it is because our throat chakra is so vital. We breathe, we swallow, we drink, we talk, all from this one area, and the overuse during an illness continues to irritate it and cause immense pain.
Here is what I do whenever I have a sore throat, and I ask that the Goddess Brigid will bless you if you follow this ritual.
First, I start with making a tea. Tea has long been seen as a medicinal, and whatever path of spirituality you follow there is nothing a good cuppa won’t fix! Tea is amazing because the warm liquids allow soothing to occur to the painful area, addressing the swelling and redness, and based on what you’ve included in your team, there are even more agents of good being delivered.
So what goes in the tea?
1. Mint — Mint allows for menthol to be released and dispersed to your throat for some amazing relief! The menthol will first soothe, and slightly numb the area, and also deliver some anti-inflammatory benefits. It will allow you to swallow with much less pain, and start to dull the irritation and ache.